Pam Blansit Bio


Mrs. Blansit

Pam is in her fourth year as a volunteer admin assistant at Concordia. Her "Life Verse" is Jeremiah 29:11 .... For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. She believes her being allowed to serve at Concordia has been an amazing part of God's plan for her.

Pam began her life of ministry at the age of 14 as a tutor to a young blind girl. From that time, she worked in retail, funeral business, D.P.S. and directed several child-care centers, served as Children's Ministry Director at a Church in Georgetown for 12 years, and owned her own center for 28 years. She knows God has directed her in each part of this journey.

Currently, she is reading "The Book of Signs" by David Jeremiah and "Trade your Cares for Calm" by Max Lucado. She is working on writing a book...titled "Happy Treats"....we all need one sometime.

During COVID, she binged watched "Designated Survivor" and "The Avengers". She proudly states, she would eat at any Mexican restaurant for the rest of her earthly life!!