
Show your Academic Aptitude

Our students who excel in academics and want to push themselves further have the opportunity to compete in Academic competition during the spring semester. Students are invited to compete by their teachers who recognize their gifts in a particular subject area. Concordia earned 4th place as a team in the 2024 State Competition along with several individual placements and the Literary Criticism State Champion!

Speech & Debate

Speak with Confidence

Conquer the fear people frequently rank as their highest: speaking in public. Students on our Speech and Debate team slay their glossophobia by practicing time-tested speaking skills and strategies while also learning to think on their feet and to speak intelligently and persuasively as they improvise a transition or respond to the questions and platforms of their opponent. At a time when “soft skills” are in high demand, the skills and confidence gained in Speech & Debate prepare students well for success in college and life outside the classroom.