Creating with Critical Thinkers

The Fine Arts programs at Concordia are dedicated to helping students discover and develop their God-given creative abilities, exploring them with a Christian worldview. We believe that each student is God’s work of art with unique gifts they are called to use in service to others and to glorify God. (Ephesians 2:10) While in the Fine Arts at Concordia, students are encouraged to think deeply, see differently, and to solve problems with concern for both short-term and long-term consequences. Whether beginning their creative journey or a seasoned traveler, there is a place for everyone in Concordia Fine Arts classes and activities.

Three high school students fasten a board for the subfloor of a stage using a nail gun.


in Cardinal Hall on the Concordia campus.

February 27 | 7pm
February 28 | 7pm
March 1 & 2 | TBD