English Classes
English 1 (Pre-AP)
Prerequisite: None
Grade Level: 9
1 credit (2 semesters)
English 1 is a multidimensional study of our language. Students will have opportunities to integrate composition, reading, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar into daily lessons. Students will, through detailed, progressive lessons, develop proficient reading habits, become better spellers, be well-prepared for formalized testing with an increased knowledge of vocabulary words, and apply grammar rules to home writing skills via a variety of composition projects throughout the year. Students will also grow in their communication skills through literary analysis.
English 2 (Pre-AP)
Prerequisite: English 1
Grade level: 10
1 credit (2 semesters)
English 2 provides students with opportunities to write in a variety of forms and genres, to investigate issues of concern and relevance, to refine their research and presentation skills, and to study and respond to American literature through time and across cultures.
English 3
Prerequisite: English 1 & 2
Grade level: 11
1 credit (2 semesters)
Junior English provides the opportunity for students to practice, polish, and extend their skills in critical reading, research and analysis, oral presentations, and composition while exploring British texts for each major literary period.
DC English 3
Prerequisite: 85 or higher during both semesters of English 2 and minimum GPA of 3.5
Grade level: 11
1 credit (2 semesters)
This course focuses on helping students develop effective processes for writing in multiple genres, including research-based academic projects and creative works. Students will learn techniques for generating ideas; giving and receiving feedback; finding, evaluating, and integrating sources; adapting rhetorical strategies for audience and context; revising; and editing.
English 4
Prerequisite: English 1, 2, and 3
Grade level: 12
1 credit (2 semesters)
Senior English provides the opportunity for students to practice, polish, and extend their skills in critical reading, research and analysis, oral presentations, and formal and informal composition.
DC English 4
Prerequisite: 85 or higher during both semesters of English 3 and minimum GPA of 3.5
Grade level: 12
1 credit (2 semesters)
Dual Credit English Language and Composition is a highly sophisticated and intensive study of the craft of writing for the academically-skilled senior who desires rigorous instruction in college-level writing. Students briefly review grammatical terms, usage problems, and various composition techniques before they begin composing descriptive, narrative, and argumentative essays, letters, and analysis of non-fiction. Vocabulary skills are emphasized. In addition, students read and analyze classical and modern essays, short stories, and novels. Students should develop effective processes for writing in multiple genres, including research-based academic projects and creative pieces of literature enabling them to write with confidence and accuracy in future college courses across the curriculum.